Friday, March 7, 2014

Happy Friday, Y'all.

It's Friday and I am so excited I feel like singing.  Kinda like this guy.

You're welcome. 

And in the spirit of true randomness, let's talk about Fabric Friday.  How about some Chiang Mai Dragon? 

I have two pieces 1.75 yards each of F. Schumacher Chiang Mai Dragon in China Blue.  $200 per piece ($115 per yard).  Email me for deets.
trololololololo, bitches.  (Sorry Mama, but I had to)


  1. I want the 2.41 min of my life back. What the heck was he singing? I would not use the word happy to describe him, I would say medicated. Have a lovely weekend.

  2. Happy Friday! I'm loving that fabric. But wow, that's some video! :)
